Category: Politics and War

  • Prophesies

    Dark times, dark of intellect, dark of hope, dark of prosperity, dark of joy, dark of freedom, dark of life.

    Current events.

    Cautionary tales a half century old (and more), based on suppositions and “if this, then that,” Toffler may have been right, Roddenberry designed it…  the ancient hermits in the desert railed against it.  What has happened will happen and now is happening.  Look there!  The last of….  Hark to the new…  Stepping out of the comfortable, the familiar, to envisage this brave new Huxleyan scene:  those who wield power, and those who rejected it, caught in the web of uncompromising consequences.  Best to reject Orwell and Bradbury outright.

    It never was enough just to live and let live, and never will be.  Is it too late?  I whisper to the unborn: never.

    In the dark are the mysteries of promises half-made, and all-but forgotten.  In the dark are echoes of pleasures to come.  In the dark reside your ancestors’ hopes/fears/pain/joy.  In the dark…

    Prophesies are not promises.  They do not restrict this person or that, they do not require belief or obedience.  They will (or won’t) manifest in this lifetime or another.  The route may lead through many unseen and fortunate misadventures; and unbidden ease may assault our purpose. 

    What conditions will compel us to stay?  To go?

    Survival is not the question.  The question is:

    Is survival desirable?

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