Category: rain

  • Rainy Days and Sundays…

    Have I mentioned rain before?

    End of the first week in November, and we have flooding (seems a bit early to me) to the west, south and north of us around Puget Sound, and a little bit in places around our own town. I suspect the only reason there isn’t a lot of flooding to the east is the mountains are higher.

    Really, folks, nearly three inches in two days in our neck of the woods. Which doesn’t sound like much to people who live in monsoon territory, but for us, with our soils generally already pretty damp, the water tends to just float on top of the saturated ground and pool in low spots.

    Which it is doing in abundance. Makes it easier for the salmon though…

    Why did the salmon cross the road?


    Because it was more direct than using the fish ladder downstream.

    We have had only light frosts at home, but a few local places inland have had some pretty cold nights in the last couple weeks. Today though, things have warmed up a lot. In fact, the “cold” mark tonight is supposed to be as low as the “high” mark a couple days ago! Which is one reason there is flooding. The combination of new rain combined with snowmelt from the mountains generally adds up to cars stranded in intersections and a few folks getting to and from their mailboxes in rowboats.

    Welcome to “God’s Country” — bring your own ark!

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