Category: science

  • Poem a Day April 13, 2012


    I want to go on record
    to record
    to describe
    to set down
    to explain that
    when science doesn’t
    give the answers you seek

    perhaps you asked the wrong question

    I have noticed that in science, as in other disciplines and pursuits, sometimes we operate on assumptions. I think I know how something works, so I don’t pay careful attention to signs that it works some other way. When we look at “science” from long ago, we often laugh and even scoff at the scientists because they were talking about “humors” and “ethers” and other seemingly quaint ideas. We forget that we can only describe from what we know, and sometimes the mythologies of our time and people get in the way of observing with fresh insight and clear eyes.

    If I think the sun moves around the earth… what evidence will I miss when I explore the skies?

    It can be so difficult to set aside our assumptions, to assume a humble attitude of acceptance and exploration. And yet, to learn and to be scientists, we must.

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