Category: science

  • Poem a Day April 11, 2012

    precipitate (suggested by Tom)

    gentle falling particles
    denser matter
    density matters

    I didn’t look this term up, I remember enough from high school chemistry for this! When a solution is created, one substance which has more density is held in suspension in a liquid. Over time, or with a change in a condition (such as temperature or pressure) the more dense substance clumps together and falls out of the less dense liquid.

    This happens in the water cycle when it rains or snows or hails. This happens in mud pools when the water starts to clear (the dirt starts to fall out of the water). It happens in salt water and sugar water (think of the strings of rock candy you can get at candy shops). It happens with other solutions as well.

    Precipitate: to fall out of solution.

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