Category: science

  • Poem a Day April 3, 2012

    Far Infrared

    deep in the cold
    dark and hidden
    light-filled chambers
    distant echoes
    modern ears
    perceive brilliant
    edge to edge
    the signal travels
    “I am here”
    what the eye cannot see
    what the ear cannot hear
    your mind may grasp

    As usual, I needed to go on a hunt to figure out what this scientific term really means. Short of several years’ study… I discovered that far infrared actually shows COOLER objects than warmer! It also seems to show more distant objects than mid and near infrared. I assume it has something to do with the change in wavelength, perhaps at the far infrared the cool signatures just stay intact longer. However, most of the astronomy seems to be done with mid infrared.

    Here are a couple of websites to help fill in a few details. The first, from Cal Tech has a lot of additional background pages linked at the bottom. A quick explanation of the EMR spectrum at the University of Tennessee. And the JPL-NASA-Cal Tech project called IPAC, which is the parent page from the first link. This last has up-to-date details on the most current research and lots of pictures!

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