Category: science

  • Poem a Day April 2, 2012

    Hemoglobin (suggested by Grant)

    Like a gift
    I wrap the iron
    securely in a net
    tightly bound
    in the red blood cells
    reaching for oxygen
    special delivery
    to your cells
    of life

    Yes, this is the molecule that makes red blood cells red and takes oxygen up to the brain. It also has significant regulatory functions that I didn’t know about! Blood pressure is partially regulated by hemoglobin, and it is essential in the kidneys, as well.

    A really interesting and explanatory image for hemoglobin is at the ACS site. I didn’t want to just copy it here because I don’t have permission, but it’s a great illustration!

    I also found an undergraduate paper available online, that has illustrations and explanations of how this molecule is made and how it functions: K R Heiner paper at Davidson College, North Carolina

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