Category: social justice

  • Election Day

    A few links to sites about the voting that is going on in the United States today.

    Here is one in Spanish, I followed a link and followed a link and found La Nation’s Website with a blog attached.

    Here is a link to the local newspaper for Thurston County Washington (also read by people in Shelton/Mason County and the northern edge of Lewis County): A Historic Day.

    CNN’s website will have plenty to say today… check out specifically the Politics section.

    And if you are following state-wide ballot issues in your area, CNN also has ballot issues for all states that will track the results as they come in.

    Yes, I voted. Dropped my ballot in the box yesterday, in fact. I am optimistic that most of the races will result in reasonably intelligent, conscientious people gaining office… we were lucky in our state and local races to generally have good candidates no matter who you voted for. Except in a couple races, where I really have my fingers crossed about the results.

    And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming… COMPOST PROJECT (details to come).

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