Category: social justice

  • More about Voting

    I followed a link and followed a link. Thanks, Fran, for pointing this out. Here is the original video from

    Don’t Vote!

    A note to citizens of the United States who have internet access but no fixed address… by the provisions in the United States Constitution you can still vote for president, and in some states in local elections as well. Check with your state’s elections board (do a google search) and find out what to do.

    Several states’ registration deadline was October 4. More states’ deadlines are this week. If you are eligible but not yet registered to vote please take the few minutes to go to Rock the Vote and get the form you need emailed to you.

    If you have missed the deadline to register for November’s elections, register anyway. Then you are ready for the next elections. Some people say that the most important elections you can vote in are the local ones, and at least in my area we often have requests for funding (schools and emergency services) as well as local issues in the spring.

    This is our government, our country, and we are responsible for how things are run. If you like how things are, vote to keep them the same. If you don’t like how things are, vote to change them. It makes a difference. Your voice counts.

    Just — vote!

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