Category: stidmama

  • This is interesting… ~a site that rates blogs

    I can’t remember how I came across this website,, but I visited it yesterday, entered this site in and within a day they had given me a pretty good rating! You can surf away from the page that highlights my blog to look at entire categories, rated and ranked.

    I am in the “Stay at Home Mom” category, though there are probably several I might have easily fit into, with my eclectic tastes.

    Below is the official rating scale… perhaps in future I will see what I can do to improve my blog. In the meantime, I will keep on with what obviously works…

    Rate this Blog at Blogged

    For comparison, here is a blog that received the highest possible rating, TechCrunch, and one that appeals to me just on the basis of being a subject I enjoy (rating 9.3) – This Garden is Illegal.

    Finally, the worst blog they ranked that I could find… 4.8: Haute Talk. Perhaps it’s just too pink for them? Or just not updated recently…

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