Category: Uncategorized

  • And did I mention the rain?

    This year, I haven’t written much about the weather, but this past month has been — shall we say on the wetter side?

    One of the local papers says we have had over 11 inches of rain compared to our normal 4.6. The paper will let you view a few articles before you have to subscribe.

    A little more than a week ago, Cliff Mass, climate scientist at the University of Washington predicted that Seattle would set a new record for the month. He followed up with confirmation of several records set in the state already.

    It’s wet. Not “sailing down the freeway” wet, but long, drenching, chills-the-core wet.

    I hope November (which is traditionally wetter than October) doesn’t set its own records!

    And, just to note: it used to be that we had steady, but pretty much “light” rainfall from October through March (with a few isolated days here and there, and a single two-week early summer in February or early March)… now it rains at odd times, and more than was “normal.” Plants that used to thrive are dying, and plants that used to struggle a bit are doing well. Animals are not getting what they need, either. I like the wet weather, and the replenishment of the snowpack, but I am not appreciating the extremes.

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