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  • Passages: Billy Frank, Jr.

    It took many decades and incredible strength and determination to restore the treaty rights of native peoples in the Pacific Northwest so they can fish and hunt in their peoples’ “usual and accustomed” locations. Billy Frank, Jr. is one of the many who fought long and hard and took great personal risks to stand up for what is right.

    He is not the only person who fought and suffered on behalf of the tribes, but he was a vivid reminder of all those who have come before and inspiration to all those who will come after. It was always less, it seemed to me, about him than it was about the future.

    I honor his memory, and hope that my own life will transmit some of the values he taught: courage, honesty, and hope.

    His passing marks the end of one era, and the beginning of a new one. I hope all the peoples of the Salish Sea can work together and live together as faithful and passionate stewards for future generations.

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