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  • Yesterday it rained

    And rained. And rained. According to the weather team at KOMO in Seattle, we have already had more rain this year than fell in all of 1952 (the driest year on record). A short article was posted to their blog this morning.

    Yesterday we worked on the house. Grant and Tom (and Mady) got the wardrobe boxes finished. Mady and I (and Tom) made progress on the tile in the shower. Tabitha visited with her baby bird (I got to hold it!).

    It rained, drizzling gently at first, then more and more insistently until in the evening when we were driving home from town – with still more mortar for the shower – traffic on the highway slowed to 45. I was surprised we didn’t have lightning, it was so stormy!

    Today we will get enough tile up in the shower that we can put the rest of the bathroom fixtures. Well, our amazing plumber will put in the rest of the fixtures this week. I will finish the remainder of the tiling next weekend… Mady will help again and I will ask her to help with replanting a few pots and boxes. I need some pretty plants again — most of them died in the extreme cold of last winter.

    And in between, it will be raining.

    I have a full week of teaching, including some extra hours in the mornings for three days (the money will come in handy!). Then a full week the week after, then I am taking my first-ever personal day for a four-day week, and a four-day week after that for the Memorial Day weekend.

    Right now, I have 40 calendar days until the end of the school year. Hopefully, fewer than that before we are approved to move in to our home.

    It’s time.

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