I didn’t get a picture of the work in progress, but I did get a picture of the workers. These are two of Grant’s friends, helping us get the yard ready for the growing season while I work in the house during the break.

Doing battle with the build-up of yard and construction debris. The old willow that was too close to the house is now cut up and moved to the slowly decomposing log pile in the back. The holly next to the house has been limbed up and the encroaching vine maples (and blackberries) removed. The ceanothus on the mound has had a large dead limb removed and the weeds underneath (and blackberries) removed. The veggie garden is starting to be weeded…
Inside, the walls in the bathroom are getting there, but as so often at the moment they look worse than when I started…
Here is a picture that shows the two colors of blue we are adding. They look stunning against the tile, but not so great with the red water-proofing membrane that now covers the cement board for the shower.