Category: Uncategorized

  • Important Dates in our Lives

    Today is the 21st anniversary of the day our older son became a big brother.

    He was so proud of his little brother!

    Here is a pic of the birthday boy and his big brother the day after he was born…

    Feb 1995
    Feb 1995

    When he was about 3 or 4, he LOVED that Snowman toy!

    Grant and his Snowman toy, off on an adventure in the back yard.
    Grant and his Snowman toy, off on an adventure in the back yard.

    When they were about 6…

    Thurston County Fair, possibly 2001?
    Thurston County Fair, possibly 2001?

    I am so proud of my sons.

    And today, I am beyond-proud to be the parent of two full-fledged (in the eyes of the law) adults!

    And one more, of a proud mama and her son, probably taken in 2002.

    Walking at the Nisqually Delta, a favorite jaunt in those days.
    Walking at the Nisqually Delta, a favorite jaunt in those days.

    Happy Birthday, Grant.

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