Category: Uncategorized

  • New Season, New Look

    I have decided to change the wordpress theme for my site. This is called “Craving 4 Green” by Seven Jeans.

    Here is what it looked like yesterday (the banner pic was one I took of the trillium in the back a few years ago). Click on the “dot” to load a view until I figure out how to make the tiff into a jpeg or something else that is readable by a browser.

    April 4 screenshot

    The banner on this page is as it was created, but might switch it out later for one that is actually from home. For now, I like this look. What do you think?

    Edit April 8: I found an image I liked yesterday, of the trailing blackberries that are now blooming along the paths and driveway. Took a while to crop it (almost) correctly, but here it is up.

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