Category: weather

  • Thursday after Vacation

    No, nothing turns out as it should…

    Tuesday evening was not as I had hoped. But that’s okay, we’ll cope.

    Yesterday was not at all as I had anticipated. I showed up to the school nearly 45 minutes early, had a talk with one of the professionals there, asking how to get the ball rolling on several things prior to a transition in schooling for one of the kids. I hate having to talk to people. I just hate it. And it shows…

    When kid gets to the library where we work, I take one look at him (having been forewarned by one of the secretaries that he had asked to have his temp taken because he wasn’t feeling well…) and we leave. Get in the door not five minutes and he’s throwing up.

    Good call, Mama!

    For once. For anyone who’s counting, that means we spent all but three days in the entire month of February with at least one of us not healthy! Well I wasn’t feeling too chipper myself, so spent nearly the whole day on the sofa surfing, playing games and being very unproductive. And watching the snow come down intermittently. Snow. On the last day of February! Here is a pic of the well kid and what should be my bright pink tulips…snow on kid and plants

    On the plus side, I never plan on actually accomplishing things on Wednesday, so it wasn’t a huge disappointment. And I did have the energy later to watch Lost with Tom — it’s one of the shows he enjoys and I haven’t been well enough to watch it until recently. It’s not a bad show…

    Today Mr. Blue Cast and I went to see how his arm is doing. Healing nicely, but the cast stays on for now. Another two weeks, they’ll X-ray again and probably take the cast off then. I am just as happy with the situation, it keeps him from overusing it and possibly hurting it in another fall before it’s strong. Better to do it this way than to have him rebreak and maybe worse.

    So the other kid and I spent the day resting, doing algebra and talking. I am feeling better (actually still tired, but not dragged out). I think the echinacea I took the last couple days has helped me avoid getting this particular nasty little bug. I hope.

    Now, to write an update on the story and think about dinner. Leftovers, anyone?

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