Category: weather

  • Semantics

    Here is an article I think everyone should read:

    The Semantics of Climate Change.

    Posted today, 3 February 2007, this reporter has picked up on my concern over the last several months since the elections in the United States: that while the words used by the governments affected by recent elections have changed, their intent has not.

    I worked briefly for a politician who was quite high up in my state government. He did not mince words, and though he was always tactful, I don’t recall him ever twisting meanings. He was reliable and honest, even compared to most non-politicians. However, many of the politicians who came through the office, and their lackeys, did twist the meanings of words, or said one thing and did another. Over and over.

    Don’t trust them until their actions start to line up with their words.

    If you live in a nation that allows it, contact your government representatives, and ask them where they really stand on this, or any other issue. And then hold them accountable.

    It is not just about the money… it’s about the world we leave for the generations to come.

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