Category: words

  • Helping in High School

    I never thought I would do it, but I did.

    I am helping in one of the kids’ English classes at the local high school.  They have book discussion groups, and I am working with one (my kid and two others chose to read the same book).  Today was the first day I got to sit down with the kids, and I think it went pretty well, considering none of us really knew what we were doing!

    I was nervous, but apparently this book is too “highbrow” for the rowdier kids, so I got lucky.  The three boys in this group and I had a great time, and I am looking forward to next week.  There is a lot of good material for discussion — if time were unlimited, two hours’ discussion at a stretch would not be impossible.  I don’t know how many parents bother to volunteer in schools at this age…  but I think it is good that I am there.  If nothing else, these are three children the teacher doesn’t have to monitor for an hour, so he can focus on other students who need more help.  Maybe when this book is done I will keep coming back and helping in other ways.  I would like to.

    I would like to recommend this book, but there is a caveat.  There is quite a bit of un-necessary vulgar language and prurient topics…  though the book deals with a teen-age boy’s “coming of age” story, I don’t think some of the passages had to be quite as graphic as they were.  Still, if you can overlook this flaw (which could be rectified with judicious editing and small re-writes), the rest of the book reads well, represents the area I live in beautifully (many passages are quite poetic and inspiring), and isn’t “dumbed down” in any way.  By Jim Lynch, The Highest Tide has been a national bestseller in the United States, and may be available locally in a library near you!

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