Stidmama Sews

A yellow rose in my mother’s garden (single bloom), photo taken 2020 .

Please feel free to jump directly to

  • Costuming and Historical Dress: blogger/vloggers/suppliers/sutlers/milliners/sources (updated as projects are posted to YouTube)
  • Inspiration (planned)
  • Quilts and Crafts
  • Stidmama’s Personal Costume History (coming soon)
  • The “Cabbage Patch” or left-overs that may be useful someday… (coming later)

In May 2021, I decided to work on a non-education, non-text-based project: textile arts! I used to sew quite a bit, but it fell by the wayside as “life” happened. In December 2019 as I was working with my third grade students on a small hand-sewing project I purchased a replacement sewing machine for the one that melted in the 2013 fire. A year later (December 2020) I used that machine again to mend a blanket for our dog, Wally. And that gave me so much joy that I began to dream of “actual” sewing.

Down the rabbit hole I went…

I wrote an earlier post about some of this adventure. You can view it on the Costuming and Historical Dress page.

I have also pulled together a youtube channel to document my progress and process as I return to sewing. The first project was a small lap quilt.

Because I am still teaching full-time, I am not giving my self hard-and-fast deadlines, but the quilt was for an event in June 2021, and Costume College will be in July-August (virtual). I had hoped to create something for an SCA event in May and my initial thoughts had been to create some simple saxon-type garb for that. I had the materials… but didn’t have the time.

We’ll see what I actually can accomplish as time goes on and I continue to get better organized. I’ll create pages with the “deets” for each project in this section of my site.

If you would like to see videos of various projects, my YouTube channel is Stidmama Sews. For the moment foreseeable I do not intend to post regularly, but as I have time and projects I’ll put things together. My extremely moderate goal is one video each calendar month and one project every two months.

Also for the moment this is a ‘just for me’ project (vanity?) and I do not intend to be using it to teach, create materials for sale, or otherwise “monetize” my work. In the future? We’ll see. I would love to meld my joy of teaching with the creative-maker side of me.

The yellow rose at the top of this page is my “watermark” for official YouTube videos.

Last update: 21 July 2021

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