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This page is devoted to other bloggers/vloggers, and purveyors of supplies for historical and other garb/costumes. In my childhood in Virginia I enjoyed the experience of living history enactors in places like Williamsburg and Jamestown (and Yorktown, and…) and during one summer in Maine acquired a first-edition “Mary Frances Sewing Book” in an antique shop. Two of the items I refused to leave behind after the house fire were that book, and a modern sewing basket woven in historically accurate caning – JUST like the antiques I was surrounded by. That basket was purchased the same trip I got the Sewing Book… I may have been as old as 11, and I spent my own money on these precious items!
As time went on, I enjoyed helping my mother with projects, and later sewing my own clothes. Then sewing for our children when they were babies, followed by occasional costumes for them: often hand-sewn because for years I didn’t have a working sewing machine. Some of my favorites were the “prince” costume I made for the younger son, a “jedi” costume for the elder (both of those using my knowledge of historical attire and internet research), and (using a pattern) a somewhat accurate costume for our younger son’s 5th grade portrayal of the Marquis de Lafayette.
During the pandemic (the winter of 2020-2021) I stumbled across some historical costumers’ vlogs on youtube and “fell down the rabbit hole.” I am following various folks now on youtube, looking forward to finally spending some time creating my own historically inspired attire and decided it would be nice to document that part of my journey. I’ll put the resources for each person in their own blocks…
Bloggers and Vloggers:
Bernadette Banner
Abby Cox
Morgan Donner
- http://www.morgandonner.com/
- Morgan Donner’s Sewing Party: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXidSGLe42axucCsEigBA-Q
Cathy Hay
- vlog: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWmQGoSY-lmWlakti_Br3cQ
- Her business: https://foundationsrevealed.com/
- Interview at American Duchess: https://blog.americanduchess.com/2014/04/interview-with-cathy-hay-of-your.html