Tag: actors

  • Mother’s Brag

    AS in me, being a mother, bragging on my own child.

    Proud as I am of the kids, every so often one of them is particularly cute. Here is a pic I took this evening after the Alice in Wonderland performance, he’s posing with his makeup artist! Wish you could see the really amazing silver eyelashes!

    stidkid #2 and his makeup artist
    The hair is real, the haircolor is fake… the creepy look is natural?!

    Yes, I am very proud of my children, and think they are amazing. And every so often, they act as amazing as I think they are!

    This particular play, which the stidkid almost decided to NOT participate in, is showcasing his abilities very well. The little video I thought I took with the cellphone didn’t turn out. Will have to try something else tomorrow!

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