Tag: artichoke

  • Throwing the Artichoke (again and again and again…)

    People who know me (hi babblers) know about my dogs. My life, contrary to the observable evidence, really doesn’t revolve around them. If it did, by now I would have a pitching arm better than Randy Johnson’s.

    Still, I find myself tossing, lobbing, throwing and hurling objects on a regular basis. You can see in the video of the hail yesterday that our back yard has quite a bare spot from paws running over it. And there are dog beds taking up easily a quarter of the main living room’s floor space (for just two dogs). But really — they don’t occupy ALL my time and energy…

    At present, Lucky’s favorite toy is his artichoke. I snagged a picture from the maker’s website — our artichoke is nowhere clean enough for a picture, though after six months it is fully intact.

    A truly indestructible toy!

    A full description of the artichoke is at Planetdog.com.

    I really like the toys from this company. He had/has a strawberry from them as well — and an original “Orbee” — but has left them somewhere in the one-acre yard (or in the ditch along the road, or…). So except for the forgetfulness factor, these are the longest-lasting toys he has ever owned. And that is saying something. This is a dog who can destroy a “chuck-it” ball in less than a day. He has strong jaws!

    Other things I like about this toy — and this company — non-toxic is primary, and they have a commitment to doing good things for animals and the earth. They seem to sell only things made in the United States, which — as a U.S. resident/citizen — makes more sense to me than selling things here that were made in somewhat questionable factories in other countries; and that require extra transportation costs. I also like that there is somebody actually still working in manufacturing in this country… which is a post for another day.

    Anyway, that’s the artichoke story.

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