Tag: covid

  • Passages

    trigger warning: death from covid

    Some days don’t happen the way they should have.

    This was one of those days. We awakened to learn that a family member was dying from Covid – an unnecessarily devastating turn of events as this person was seeming to improve in recent days. But no, and the cruelty is exquisite (see the poem I wrote earlier today, below). Almost as soon as we absorbed that news, he was gone. Our hearts will hurt forever.

    Not everyone can be vaccinated, but far too many people have assumed that it’s now “safe” to visit people because some folks have been vaccinated. After all, it only takes a few people to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity, right?


    Unless at least 60-95% of a population in a given area has either been vaccinated or achieved some level of immunity from previous infection (depending on the disease), those who are especially vulnerable are not safe during an outbreak. They aren’t safe to go out in public, to go to workplaces or schools, to visit in private homes, or to have visitors in their own homes.

    Many must go out, regardless of their own vaccination status or that of the people they live with or will encounter away from home. They must go out to work, to attend classes, to take care of family/business, to shop for essentials. And yes, most people do recover or experience very little illness from this disease. That may be how it was able to spread so far, so quickly…

    People who have recovered from a case of Covid, or have been fully vaccinated, can be more comfortable going out for any reason – and can be more comfortable removing their masks. At least, outdoors. At least, around others who have been vaccinated.

    That doesn’t mean the activities are risk-free… just reduced risk. Reduced risk of being infected. Reduced risk of transmitting the infection to someone you love. Reduced risk of dying from symptoms of Covid.


    Not eliminated. People are still struggling to live for over a month, and then dying anyway. People are receiving excellent healthcare, and dying anyway. People who should have been with us for decades to come… are dying.

    If you are reading this, and haven’t been vaccinated against Covid, please speak with a medical professional such as a physician. Ask what your risks are if you are vaccinated (A day or two off work at most for a sore arm or low fever? Allergic reactions to an ingredient are rare, but possible; your doctor will know if you are at risk, other potential problems are also rare but your doctor can help you know if you should avoid any specific vaccine). Ask what your risks are if you are not vaccinated.


    Vaccinations for Covid are free in the United States (as of June 2021). Mortuary and funeral costs are not free. A broken heart is unimaginably expensive.

    My sources:

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

    United Nations

    World Health Organization

    Science in 5, episode 1: Dr. Swaminathan on CoVid and herd immunity (from 28 August 2020, a transcript is below the video)

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