Yesterday we worked for several hours. Today we were supposed to go to a soccer game (OL Reign) in Seattle, but my darling Tom looked at me and observed that it was a very good day for gardening and we had a lot of plants that needed attention. So we worked in the front/entry garden until the game began, watched it on TV, then worked another hour or so.
Here are images of plants in the garden, captions are rudimentary. The predominant colors in the front garden are pinks, blues, and purples with some white and occasional unintesprinkled in for fun.
small planter including pink impatiens and dianthusoblong railing planter with bacopa, petunias, begonias, and snapdragons not yet bloomingMarilynn’s iris in front of blurry other plantsanother view of the iris with impatiens and petunias in the backgrounda relic from a bygone-era, small matchbox “steam shovel” next to soem geodesa view of the impatiens, iris, concrete bench that separates the cars from the parking/planting areavew toward the house from the front patio showing the greening maple, and both standard and climbing hydrangeasthe front patio, with a huge, thriving hosta in the shade of the quinceview from the patio toward the cars, with a pile of “soil” now half the size of a couple weeks agoa pot with dianthus impatiens and petuniasthree bird feeders on one stand: two for seed feeders, one for hummingbirdsa view along the front porch showing the new planting bed with a line of impatiens and coleusAnother view of the diminishing pile of soil, with the volunteer ferns that wer on it relocated to the shady area next to the eventual paved walkway to the parking areaa view of the patio from near the front entry showing a dianthus in a ceramic planter and a solar-powered dragonfly lantern that sits on a logA view of some of the new plants still in the trays with cardboard to block weeds in the new planting beds