I want to boast about the later-blooming fruit trees: cherry (might actually produce enough for a pie this year), pear, apple and nectarine (though not much hope for fruit there… it has peach-leaf curl). Here are a couple pics of the blossoms. You can tell the family resemblance, I think!
From the top: the european pear (it’s a 3-in-1, no idea which this is), an apple (a 4-in-1, same story), and an Asian pear, I think this is the Ichiban. The cherry is too tall for me to get a good picture without a ladder… but still rather spindly with only a central leader and two side shoots.
As I walked back toward the house, I saw that my favorite poppy, the one I like to call “orange cream-sicle” is about to bloom! you can see it just to the right of the deep red primroses, to the left of a lupine that will need to be pulled.
Closer to the house, the lilacs are about to burst into full color once again. The white elderberries behind them (actually growing up in the middle of a large filbert bush) look spectacular this year!
A couple more “beauty spots” in my yard: the japanese double golden kerria… eventually the suckering action will cause it to look like a huge shrub, but you can see it’s actually just canes with blossoms going up the sides. The second picture is a close-up of the blooms, and you can see how the chestnut’s bark is peeling, just as it’s supposed to!
Finally, as I re-entered the house, this is what the strawberry pot looks like: strawberries around the base (they wouldn’t grow in the pot) and assorted herbs in the planter: thyme, chives, tarragon and marjoram. YUM!
Spring may really be here now!
It’s about time!