Tag: movies

  • National Treasure Two…

    Go see it.  It’s funny, fast-paced, engaging and just plain fun.  I don’t think it all hangs together as well as the first, but it was a fine way to spend an evening with five people aged 12 to 41…   appealing to the kids and the adults, the whole theater was giggling and hollering at the same time.

    I like Nicholas Cage — and they brought back the same actors for the other parts as well.   As a team, they work well.  Also Helen Mirren’s part was a lot of fun.

    Just go see it.

    Oh — and a final note.  For us, the movie started with a Goofy short, a new disney animation about how to set up a home theater system…  it will be a CLASSIC Goofy in years to come.  The right amount of dead-accurate (I think Tom’s side is bruised from my elbowing him) “how a man shops” sequences and totally ridiculous antics.  Again, the audience ALL enjoyed it, from tots to grey-beards.

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