Tag: poetry

  • Poetry Month 2010 #30

    a full set

    4 plates
    4 bowls
    4 dainty saucers balancing elegant cups
    on the side board with coffee pot waiting
    4 bread dishes with butter knives balanced
    4 napkins, set on the side
    4 goblets above
    4 salad forks and 4 dinner forks
    4 soup spoons waiting for the tureen
    4 table spoons
    4 knives waiting for the main course
    4 chairs pushed under the
    well-laid table, linen cloth like a field of wildflowers sprinkled with embroidery

    dainty pink roses with halos of silver
    the lingering memory
    of grandmothers’ meals
    so many meals crafted of love
    good times or sad the table was laid
    the china set out
    the silver polished
    and gathered round
    the people finished
    the set

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