Tag: poetry

  • Poem # 26

    pandemic headlines
    scream across the biosphere
    there is no safety

    Sorry for the downer poem, it’s not how I really feel, but how I am responding to the media coverage of this potentially serious development. There are many, many things to worry about this week, from political to medical items. We hear about things so quickly these days, it can seem overwhelming as there is no space in between reports. On the plus side, we get news fast enough to change mid-stride and choose another direction. If we will.

    The basic mechanisms for staying healthy remain the same: wash your hands, don’t poke at your face, wash your hands, cover your face if you sneeze/cough, wash your hands, don’t share eating utensils or foods, wash your hands, eat right, wash your hands…

    Wash your hands. It saved thousands of lives in the 1800s when it was first adopted by doctors, and then by individuals. It can save thousands of lives still.

    Wash your hands. Please.

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