Tag: poetry

  • Supporting our Youth

    I LOVE the way WITS (Writers in the Schools), based in Houston, Texas, supports and promotes literacy and writing. I periodically visit this blog that has a poem written by a child each day. There is so much talent, so much sharing that goes on! It makes my mama/teacher/writer/human heart glad.

    Today only (Nov 25) there is a contest for people that will give an Amazon.com gift certificate to a random reader who mentions a poem they have enjoyed reading on the WITS blog.

    WITS – A Poem a Day

    Finding one’s voice is a major goal of growing up. WITS provides children with an opportunity to learn from published authors and participate in activities that help them develop their voice.

    Want to get involved but don’t live near a WITS program? This is an idea that might encourage you: find a local school — or a library — with a need for adults to read with children, a need for people to listen to children read. Half an hour a week… or every other week. Take some time. Make a Difference.

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