Tag: poetry

  • Tom found it!

    I wrote this poem a long time ago, and had lost all my hard copies. I knew it was “somewhere” on backup media, but no idea what type (tape, diskette, CD?) or where to find it at all. Last week, Tom discovered it and I ran off a hard copy. Here it is, recopied.

    Wisdom’s Sway

    I cry to Sophia:

    The joy of life has abandoned me,
    The pain of life has brought me down,
    The future is bleak –
    I am

    The time of birthing has passed
    My children are gone from my arms
    The hearth is dark –
    I am

    What I knew in my youth is forgotten
    What I believed in my prime is proved false
    I face failure –
    I am

    Thus says Sophia:

    With the jubilation of the wind I move
    With the power of the seas I build
    In the depth of the heavens I know

    With the warmth of the sun I have life
    With the rhythm of the moon I dance
    In the cold of the stars I sleep

    With the birth of creation I have awakened
    With the knowledge of life I have acted
    In the cycle of time I shall return

    (written 9 June 1998, all rights reserved)

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