Tag: time

  • Getting on in years…

    I could tell, this afternoon, when I ran into a friend from high school that we were both a) still recognizable and b) older.

    I was walking with a cane, she wasn’t — but we started right in on what we used to do and with whom (though in my class in high school, she hung out with my much more active, outdoorsy brother). We didn’t have much time — I had a kid in tow and she was with a friend; so our conversation was short. I handed her a card with my website’s URL and we said goodbye. I hope she’ll check the site and contact me. Would like to be in better touch with her again.

    What is it about getting older, moving along in life? She is in a stable but it sounds not as fulfilling job as she might like. I am in a transitional period, back in school trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up (again).

    At mid-life, does everyone reassess their accomplishments, their values, their current and future opportunities? Does everyone look at one or two (or more) “missed” opportunities or decisions that might have been made differently and wonder what if? Or do some people reach this point and feel they are just where they are supposed to be, that so far life has been good and it’s likely to continue that way.

    I still need to get those pictures up. That’s my next project…

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