Tag: updates

  • Under Construction (again)

    I will be messing with the look and arrangement of this website for a few days — hopefully not breaking anything important. If something doesn’t look right, please DO contact me so I can check things out! If you really like a change and then come back to find it something you don’t like, please let me know.

    But I do intend to keep things pink… this is the one place in my life that is really ALL mine, no boys involved! So, Pink is In!

    Here is the way the original code (Abstrakt3c) looked:

    The green-based Abstrakt3c by Kausal Seth

    This is my first attempt, the lattice-style background was not satisfactory, and the font colors had not changed.

    Pink-themed, but not yet

    Here is the intermediate, with a solid masthead and striped background on the sides (if your monitor is 800 px wide you won’t see the stuff on the sides).

    This is a more simple look, solid background on the masthead and menus

    And you can see the most recent incarnation in front of you!  I like the pink!  I may play with the masthead (that’s the title space) some more, I am not completely happy with it.  Also, there is a strange “flicker” that appears when you place your cursor between the choices on the top menu…

    Always something new to learn and improve!

    Happy New Year!

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